7 Stages of Spiritual Awakening: A Guide to Understanding the Journey

7 Stages of Spiritual Awakening

The 7 Stages of Spiritual Awakening are a journey many individuals undergo in their quest for enlightenment, self-awareness, and inner peace. This journey can be challenging and transformative but ultimately leads to a deeper understanding of oneself and the world around us.

Each stage of the journey represents a unique challenge and opportunity for growth. From the initial realization that there is more to life than meets the eye to the ultimate state of enlightenment, these stages provide a roadmap for those seeking to explore their spirituality.

What are the 7 Stages of Spiritual Awakening?

Understanding the 7 Stages of Spiritual Awakening can help individuals navigate the challenges of this journey and make the most of each stage. By recognizing the signs and symptoms of each stage, individuals can take steps to move forward in their personal development and spiritual growth. This article will explore each stage of the journey and provide insights and tips to help individuals on their path toward enlightenment.

Stage 1: The Call

The first stage of the spiritual awakening journey is often called “The Call.” This stage is characterized by a growing discontentment with one’s current life situation and a yearning for something more profound and meaningful. Here’s what to expect during this stage.

Feeling a Sense of Discontentment

During this stage, individuals may feel a sense of restlessness or discontentment with their current life circumstances. They may feel something is missing or there is more to life than they are currently experiencing. This feeling can be uncomfortable, but it is also a sign that the individual is ready to explore their spirituality.

A Yearning for Something More

As the feeling of discontentment grows, individuals may begin to experience a yearning for something more profound and meaningful. They may want to connect with a higher power or explore their spiritual nature. This yearning is a sign that the individual is ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery.

Feeling Drawn Towards Spiritual Practices

During this stage, individuals may also feel drawn toward spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, or yoga. These practices help individuals connect with their inner selves and begin to explore their spirituality. They may also seek out books or other spiritual resources to better understand what they are experiencing.

Stage 2: The Awakening

The second stage of the spiritual awakening journey is known as “The Awakening.” During this stage, individuals experience a profound shift in consciousness and a deepening awareness of their spirituality. Here’s what to expect during this stage.

A Shift in Consciousness

A significant shift in consciousness characterizes the Awakening stage. Individuals may experience a profound sense of interconnectedness with all beings and a newfound appreciation for the beauty of the world around them. They may also begin to question their beliefs and the worldviews they have held for most of their lives.

Deepening Awareness of Spirituality

As individuals experience this shift in consciousness, they also develop a deeper awareness of their spirituality. They may begin to see the world in a new light and better understand their place in it. They may also feel a stronger connection to a higher power or spiritual energy that permeates all things.

Emotional Turmoil

While the Awakening stage can be a time of great insight and growth, it can also be a time of emotional turmoil. It is common for individuals to experience confusion, fear, or even depression during this stage. Individuals may feel overwhelmed by the intensity of their experiences or struggle to integrate their newfound awareness into their daily lives.

Stage 3: Purification

The third stage of the spiritual awakening journey is known as “Purification.” During this stage, individuals begin to purify their mind, body, and spirit in preparation for deeper spiritual experiences. Here’s what to expect during this stage.

Clearing Negative Patterns

During the Purification stage, individuals identify and clear negative patterns of thought, behavior, and emotion holding them back. This process can be challenging, requiring individuals to confront their fears and insecurities. However, it is also an opportunity for individuals to release old patterns that no longer serve them.

Adopting Healthier Habits

As individuals clear negative patterns, they adopt healthier habits supporting their spiritual growth. It may include changes to their diet, exercise routine, or daily practices such as meditation or journaling. By adopting healthier habits, individuals create a more supportive environment for their spiritual development.

Deepening Spiritual Practices

During the Purification stage, individuals also deepen their spiritual practices. They may spend more time in meditation, prayer, or other spiritual practices to connect with their inner selves and cultivate greater peace and clarity. They may also seek out spiritual guidance or mentorship to support their journey.

Stage 4: Illumination

The fourth stage of the spiritual awakening journey is known as “Illumination.” During this stage, individuals experience a profound sense of clarity and insight into the nature of reality and their place in it. Here’s what to expect during this stage.

Expanded Consciousness

During the Illumination stage, individuals experience expanded consciousness. They may feel a sense of oneness with the universe and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. They may also experience heightened states of awareness, intuition, and creativity.

Insight into Life’s Purpose

As individuals experience this expanded consciousness, they also gain insight into their life’s purpose. They may feel a greater clarity about their path in life and the gifts they have to offer the world. They may also feel deeper meaning and fulfillment in their daily activities.

Integration of Spiritual Experiences

During the Illumination stage, individuals may also integrate their spiritual experiences into their daily lives. They may feel a stronger connection to their spiritual practices and find ways to incorporate them into their daily routines. They may also feel more connected to the people and activities that bring them joy and fulfillment.

Stage 5: Dark Night of the Soul

The fifth stage of the spiritual awakening journey is known as the “Dark Night of the Soul.” During this stage, individuals experience a profound spiritual crisis and may feel disconnected from their spirituality. Here’s what to expect during this stage.

Feeling Disconnected from Spirituality

During the Dark Night of the Soul, individuals may feel their spirituality has abandoned them. They may feel a sense of emptiness or despair, and their previous spiritual practices may no longer bring them comfort or solace. This sense of disconnection can be painful and disorienting.

Confronting the Shadow Self

The Dark Night of the Soul is also a time of confronting the shadow self. Individuals may face aspects of themselves that they have previously avoided or denied. It can be a difficult and painful process, but it is also an opportunity for individuals to heal and integrate these aspects of themselves.

Navigating the Spiritual Crisis

During this stage, individuals may feel like they are in a spiritual crisis. They may question their beliefs and their place in the world. It is common for individuals to experience anxiety, depression, or hopelessness during this stage.

Finding Meaning in the Crisis

While the Dark Night of the Soul can be a time of great pain and struggle, it is also a time of great potential for growth and transformation. Individuals can find deeper meaning and purpose by confronting their shadow selves and navigating the spiritual crisis. This stage can allow individuals to shed old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve them and to emerge with a greater sense of clarity and purpose.

Stage 6: The Divine Union

The sixth stage of the spiritual awakening journey is known as “The Divine Union.” During this stage, individuals experience a deepening sense of connection with the divine and a merging of their consciousness with the universal consciousness. Here’s what to expect during this stage.

Unity with the Divine

Individuals experience a profound unity with the divine during the Divine Union stage. They may feel like they are one with the universe, and their sense of self may dissolve into the larger whole. This experience can be humbling and awe-inspiring as individuals begin to understand the interconnectedness of all things.

A Shift in Perception

As individuals experience this sense of unity with the divine, their perception of the world around them may shift. They may see the world in a new light, with a deeper understanding of the underlying unity of all things. This shift in perception can lead to a greater sense of peace, love, and compassion.

Integration of Spiritual Experiences

During the Divine Union stage, individuals also integrate their spiritual experiences into their daily lives. They may seek to align their actions and intentions with their newfound sense of connection with the divine. This integration can be lifelong as individuals seek to live harmoniously with their spiritual nature.

Stage 7: The Surrender

The seventh and final stage of the spiritual awakening journey is “Surrender.” During this stage, individuals experience a deep sense of peace and surrender to a higher power or spiritual energy. Here’s what to expect during this stage.

Letting Go of Control

The Surrender stage is characterized by letting go of control. Individuals may realize that they are not in control of everything in their lives and that a greater force is guiding them. This realization can be humbling and liberating as individuals let go of the need to control every aspect of their lives.

Experiencing a Sense of Peace

Individuals surrender control and may experience a deep sense of peace and contentment. They may feel strongly connected to a higher power or spiritual energy and trust in the universe. This sense of peace can bring great comfort and security, even in uncertainty.

Living in Alignment with Spiritual Values

During the Surrender stage, individuals also begin to live in greater alignment with their spiritual values. They may make choices that support their spiritual growth, such as helping others, practicing forgiveness, or cultivating compassion. By living in alignment with their spiritual values, individuals create a more fulfilling and meaningful life.


In conclusion, the 7 stages of spiritual awakening guide understanding the journey toward spiritual enlightenment. Each stage can be challenging but incredibly rewarding as individuals gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. Remember that the spiritual journey is unique and personal and that the timing and duration of each stage can vary. Trust the process and be patient with yourself as you journey toward spiritual enlightenment.

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By Krish

Welcome to Spiritual Awakening Talk! I am Krishan Kumar. I am a blogger by profession. I love to discover spirituality. I have created this blog to share my knowledge of the spiritual world and help you to start your journey toward spirituality.

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